New York vs. Bangkok

August 24, 2009 § 1 Comment

Dominic’s thoughts on New York (just to let ya know, we stuck mainly to Manhattan) compared to Bangkok:

The city sidewalks were cleaner and the air didn’t feel as polluted because you could suck it in easily. There was hardly any traffic in the city streets and they are set up so perfectly and are so easy to navigate, unlike the clogged arteries of Bangkok. The architecture on the buildings was so classic. The subway was super fast and flew down the tunnel like a bullet. The people weren’t too unfriendly, if he smiled at someone, they smiled back.

New insight:

He had never seen what a Victorian-style home looked like and was intrigued by the displays in the MET of them. He asked me if that was how their homes really looked. I had seen pictures in history books many times, read about it in Jane Austen books, seen it in Europe museums, so I didn’t think twice when I went through. But his excitement made me analyze it more in-depth and think about how much things have changed since then and how less formal we are now. 

In Thailand they never had such designs since they were never a European colony. He chuckled when I asked if they had ever had any styles like that in Thailand. We always learned about Europe and our country was shaped so much by it at the start, but how soon I forget that there are many countries that were never touched by its influence.

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